I'm sitting here in a very reflective mood tonite. I'm thinking of a time back in grade 10 when, during every single lunch, it was all about Car Wars. Car Wars was a game produced by Steve Jackson Games (www.sjgames.com) in the early 1980's. It was a game played with paper terrain with buildings and obsticles drawn about it. Cars were marked with little 3x2 tokens, and moving the car and controlling it's weapons were all done using a set of dice and a guide book.
Most of the terms have fled my mind... But my HogRunner and that rogue Wanda Detroit... Oh, and Gordon with his ground-pounding van... And Oscar with his fearless (and mindless) driving skills. Ohhhh the good ol' days.
Oscar was a target for us all. Gordon especially used to like wasting all of his 15(?) rockets on him in one shot... oh the brutal humanity...
I remember a time Oscar once left his vehicle because two of it's tires were blown out. (His weapons were still functional and the car could still go... it's just that it didn't drive very straight..) anyway, he left his vehicle on foot. I was gunning for his car cuz my car was crippled. I got out with my trusty hand gun, took care of Oscar, and hopped in his car. This is when the bell rang and it was time to leave. It was the last partial game of Car Wars we ever played.
I'm trying to get in contact with Dez to try to set something up, but I haven't been able to find him as of yet... hopefully my luck changes.
As I reflect on my past, I also reflect on my time spent on my street.
Growing up there were three families on the block here that lived fairly close. All kids were (approximately) the same age. In one household lived Krystle, Chaundra, and Patrick. In the second house lived Sean, and then the third house was me. We all grew up together. Sean and I were buddies from the time that we could both walk. I remember settling our differences with eachother through rather rough fist-fights. I knocked one of his teeth out - I admit it.. but he had it coming. Anyway, we were the type of kids who, after a fight, would go out and play afterwards.
We would start our bikes a few hundred feet apart and play chicken. We'd gun towards eachother at full speed, knowing full well that the other person wasn't gonna turn. Ohhhh I remember scraping my knee up pretty bad and gettin' my head banged around whenever we did that..
Another classic game of ours was "see how close we could come to Tony's garage door without hitting it." The idea of the game was to speed our bikes and get 'em goin' as fast as we could, and speed towards Tony's (our mutual neighbour - he lived between us) garage door, then slam on the breaks and do a 180 on our bikes... If you ever had pedal breaks, u know exactly the kind of stops I'm talking about.
Sean and I would always play with Patrick (the younger of the three kids) next door. Patrick was younger than us by about 5 years, but that didn't matter. He was a cool kid. We'd constantly play soccer and hockey.. and laugh when we would see him fight (and lose) with his older sisters.. Chaundra being 3 years or so older than him, Krystle being 6 years (give or take).
Anyway, they all used to be good times.. Since then Krystle, Chaundra, and Patrick have all moved away. I haven't talked to them for years. So if any of you know a Krystle, Chaundra, or Patrick White, then give me a shout hmm? I'd really like to get in touch with them. I've been trying for the last couple years to find them online, but my efforts have come without a payoff.
Geeze.. what would I say to them?
I dont know, but I'm convinced that our paths will cross again.
Until next time.......
:: Eldorado ::
4:19:00 AM
Song of choice: Push - Matchbox 20
Speaking to a friend, I am reminded of old feelings that I once had. Feelings of resentment.. futility.. even specks of greed (although in a healthy amount).. towards myself and my future.
I recalled an afternoon about two years ago where I stood pacing - and eventually falling to - my kitchen floor.. shaking.. crying.. thinking.
I had just gotten through a rather tough arguement with my parents. Basically, I wasn't living up to their expectations. I was trying as hard as I damnwell knew how to and they just didn't get that I couldn't do any better. I cant remember what all of it was over specifically. Ahh yes. Algeo and the fact that I dropped it.
My parents and sister had just gone out to the car and were waiting for me. I locked the door behind them and immediately went to the phone to call my father's cellphone and tell him to leave without me.
He asked why.
Hearing that I was crying on the other end, he came in rather quickly. He found me pacing the length of my kitchen.. Just back and fourth.. My head down, never once making eye-contact.. and I was muttering to myself. At the time I had no idea what I was saying, and neither did my father. That's when I collapsed to the ground.
I shook from head to toe while I continued to mutter whatever it was that was coming out. After a while there (my mother had already made it back into the house at this point) I stood up, said 'I'm ok'.. and proceeded to the washroom where I tried to remove the red puffyness from my face (but to no avail).
I came out of the washroom babbling and repeating the same phrase to myself over and over again. "I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok."
I must have scared my mother because she was in tears when I came out too.
Anyway, after a little discussion with my mum, we went out to dinner.. Swiss Chalet if I remember correctly.. and the rest of the night went on without a hitch.
But it wasn't over.
The following day at school it all came crashing back to me like it never left.
I vaguely remember sitting in the caf with a bunch of people. I was staring out of the window when I felt another tear slide down my cheek. It was weird at the time, until I knew what was happening. I knew it was all about to happen again, so I got up without explanation and left. I'm told I met James in my Locker Bay and repeated the sentence "I'm ok." to him a couple times before tapping myself in my head with a book and leaving, although I dont remember any of it.
The next thing I remember is Christa coming up beside me while I sat staring at a blank screen with my business textbook open in front of me at a computer in the library.
This hasn't happened since then, but I firmly believe that it was a result of pressure. I just exploded. Mentally, physically... it was my mind telling me to slow down.
I'm writing this for more than one reason. 1) people who aren't students out there - give us students a break, ok? we work harder than you think. and 2) people who ARE students - sometimes you've got to sit back and evaluate your life and decide what is better - high grades? or health?
Remember this people... Learn from my mistakes... burning a candle at one end is smart... burning it at two ends isn't. burning it at three ends is impossible.
Until next time........
:: Eldorado ::
Monday, April 28, 2003 ::
5:51:00 PM
Song of choice: Come Together - The Beatles
ahhhh.. the soothing pulses of Dr. Ho on my shoulders, giant fan blowing in the door, window wide open.. It *almost* feels like summer. Now if I could only find that bucket of Pina Colada slush from last summer that I had kicking around here somewhere... Nah, I'll save that for when I'm out at the pool.
I went to bed last night at around 4:30am.. I was up late editing some video. Anyway, I got up this morning and it was kinda sunny outside.. So here I am, fully ready to get up, thinking that I slept half the day away yet again.. I get all freaked and look at my clock... 7:30am.. I didn't believe it so I picked up my watch.. 7:30am.. I literally said "what the hell?" to myself before putting my head back on the pillow and fell asleep. I woke up, again thinking that it had to be at least 2pm.. 10:00! bloody hell.. so I went back to sleep, and woke up and AGAIN though it had to be early afternoon.. it was 11:30, so I said nuts to this and got up.
Rubbing my eyes I felt around my bedside table for my glasses. I stuck them on and made my way downstairs. The house was empty. Still groggy, I read the note from my mum: "I've gone to Simcoe, I have my phone if you need me." ok.. it's early.. I have the house to myself.. what do I do?
I go and find some clothes. I figured today was a good day to break out my white jeans, but pulling them out of my dresser, they weren't exactly white in some places.. the knees and butt looked dirty - I must have stored them dirty last year. So I threw them in the wash. I thought of this as the perfect opportunity to try out OxyClean and unleash the awesome cleaning power of oxygen on these pants. Well it worked beautifully! hehehe.. It got my whites whiter and my tights tigh..... nevermind.
so I got all dressed and continued to plow away on my room (no it's still not clean).
Still on my ToDo list:
1. Sort out and find places for my summer and winter clothes.
2. Find a spot for my text books.
3. Buy a file cabinet for all of my notes and sort out my notes into the cabinet.
4. Get my OmegaCAM up and running again (yes you heard me.... the time is close! =) )
5. Find a spot for my scanner/printer... Probably on top of my file cabinet (when I get it)
6. Put up Posters I took down for rez.
7. Call in my tax return - that's an extra $127.50 in my pocket! *hopefully* for a wireless modem.... we'll see. or maybe even a brand new PalmTop...
8. get rid of the GARBAGE that has come to nest in my room.
So I've really got my work cut out for me.
After a little cleaning this morning, who calls me on the phone? Jessica. She missed her bus cuz she thought there was gonna be a jazz practice after school today and needed an hour or so to kill, so she decided to grace my doorstep. She came in a bit, sat and talked, then I walked her back to school.. God it was such a great day out today. So great that walking home I just couldn't stop myself from singing!! (notice I waited until there was nobody around? I AM at least thoughtful of others).
And that has been my day so far. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go continue to clean :)
Until next time..........
:: Eldorado ::
Sunday, April 27, 2003 ::
2:25:00 AM
Song of choice: Wonderwall - Oasis
Dance your cares away,
worries for another day...
Let the music play,
down in Fraggle Rock!
I'm a lil tired, leave me alone. :p
Tonite went off without a hitch! I've gotta say that I'm excited about the wedding... does that mean I've gotta speak at their wedding?! oye.. I better start writing something now..
But do you wanna hear the best part? They're first choice for wedding locations is..... Mexico! Hell yea!!! I'd be gettin' a week long trip south of the border! Oye.. Would they be ready for me? Ahh yes.. Good ol' Mexico... The land where the Rum is $0.10, Coke is $3.00, and bottled water is $10.50.
All prices slightly exaggerated of course.
I also got an email back from Colleen (our RLC - Rez life coordinator). I've been recruited to be a "Welcome Week Assistant". Basically, all I've gotta do is next August when people are moving into the rez buildings is help them out.. show them to their rooms.. and just help those who look genuinely lost.. I can do that! And the best part is that I'd be getting ALL of my Frosh Week activities paid for. Very cool. =)
I thought a lot about a certain someone tonite.. Jess, I hope you're enjoying camp and that your ankle isn't too much for you to handle. Hope to talk to you tomorrow nite =)
I'm going to bed all - I'm beat!
Until next time........
:: Eldorado ::
Saturday, April 26, 2003 ::
3:45:00 PM
Song of choice: Theme from Fraggle Rock
I woke up this morning and the first thing I noticed was that I was late for bowling. Why? Because being in the process of moving home, I haven't got everything put away yet which means no alarm clock. I had to rely on my wrist watch alarm to get up. It usually does the trick, however, not wearing my watch for the last two weeks played a huge factor in me not getting up.
Why, you ask?
Because of that pesky time-change.. Daylight savings time. I swear, this was a conspiracy set up by the government so that millions are either late for work or early for work at least once a year. If they're late for work, then the individual doesn't get paid. If they're early for work, that's an hour worth of free work that the business gets.
Do you see where I'm coming from here?
Anyway, my point for this post wasn't to expose the loose strings of the government and modern business tycoons.. But something of a much greater importance. My brother is getting married!
Yup.. you heard right. For those of you who know, Kevin has been dating Melanie for.. geeze.. I guess it's been about 4 years I'm guessing.. maybe a little more than that. And yea, he asked her to get married yesterday!
They're over now for dinner. They were 2 hours early and caught me in my pj's still!
Anyway, I'm gonna head out to have a shower - my sister is out..
Until next time...........
:: Eldorado ::
Friday, April 25, 2003 ::
11:49:00 PM
Song of choice: Benny and the Jets: Elton John
it's 11:30 on Friday.. and I'm absolutely exhausted..
I feel like a turd with the shit kicked out of it...
but they're about to watch Red Dragon downstairs.. I guess I could go watch that.
Anyway, my day was rather uneventful, however I still somehow feel obligated to write in my blog for the *extreme few* who actually read it. Dont forget to comment using the little message board off to the left! You dont need a password. Just type in your Nickname (whatever you want) and your password (whatever you want) and bingo.. (dont forget to remember your password.)
I was going to write some large elaborate post today but I'll have to save that for some other time..
Hey! I know what you could do for me.. On my message board off to the left there, please submit comments as to what you think I should write about.. the crazier and more illogical the better!
I mean, c'mon... I wrote about grape juice for cryin' out loud! hehehe
so the challenge has been set. the one who can stump me on a topic will win a prize: dinner with me at your favourite restaurant........ =D
....on you, of course..
Anyway, the challenge is out there. Do your worst, people....... Try me! =D
I'm off now...
Jess, I hope you're having fun at camp...
Natalie, stop thinking those sad thoughts...
Julia, his hair WILL grow back...
Ferhanna, double check those drugs...
David, Drinking 18% cream will bung you up faster than superglue...
catch ya'll on the flip side. :)
Until next time......
:: Eldorado ::
12:42:00 PM
Song of choice: Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson >=)
I'm back from court and I can finally take a load off... my year of thinking is done with.
Ok, how did my meeting this morning go? Very smoothly.
I walked into a room that was no bigger than a cereal box (the Dominion kind, not even the Costco kind...) sat in a chair, and the guy across the table asked me if I had insurance. I showed it to him, and he immediately dropped that charge. He moved on to the speeding ticket, didn't even want to hear my story, told me he could drop it down to 15 over instead of the 24 that I was actually over, which would erase the demerit points, and lower the fine down from $115 to $42.
I waited for a half hour, they called me into another office, asked me to verify that this was, in fact, what I wanted. I agreed. They gave me a slip, I paid the $42 (and a $10 service fee) and I was gone.
Whoopity do..
If only ISU conferences went so smoothly....
more to come later.. I've gotta clean my room.
Until next time.......
:: Eldorado ::
Thursday, April 24, 2003 ::
2:13:00 PM
Song of choice: Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen
Once apon a time there was a Princess and her name was Xandra.
She was beautiful. The type that you would actually only see in a fairy tale. Soft flowing hair, a giggle to put a smile on anyone's face, and eyes that could just surround and lose anyone who happened to be around to gaze onto them. Even more important than that, however, was the shear beauty that was found within. I guarantee you that you have not found, nor will you ever find, someone with a soul that can be compared to that which belongs to Xandra.
But all was not well with Xandra. Sure she could flash her trademark smile, distracting others from the truth. But what was really going on inside of her?
She longed to have someone be with her. Someone to offer their arms to embrace her. Someone to offer their shoulder for her to rest her head. Someone to offer their hand to hold. Ear to listen. Someone to just show affection towards her.
And she had that. For over two years of her life there was an individual there. Her knight. Her prince. Her king.
She adored him, as did he adore her. Their relationship was flawless, so much so that it made others envious of their compatability. Alright, I cant speak for others, I can only tell you one person that I know of for sure who thought very highly of their relationship. Of her happiness. But he is insignificant to the story.
But that flawlessness, like everything else, didn't last forever.
Their relationship was cut short.
Xandra, however, remained strong. Going out among the people of the village every day flashing that smile of hers, all while bottling up how she truly felt: alone.
The longing for what she had with her former prince grew. She didn't understand, however, that it is normal for her to feel like she does. The sense of touch, physically and spiritually, is one that can overshadow all else. In a time where it is so easy for things to be clouded by bias and faults of the human mind, seeing is no longer believing. I truly, for one, have come to accept that feeling is believing.
But she needn't feel alone. Because no matter where she turns, there has always been one village idiot among the people who is there for her. It might not be exactly what she is looking for, but he is always there to offer his arms. To offer his shoulder, hand, and ears. Also he is there to unquestionably offer his affection. Everything about him. Mind and body, all that is physical and spiritual, belongs to her if she needs it.
She will live happily ever after...
The End.
Until next time.......
:: Eldorado ::
2:50:00 AM
Song of choice: Stand By Me - Ben E. King
I'm getting sick and tired of people who take advantage of my passiveness. If you think this post is directed specifically at you, then you're wrong. There are a number of people who do it.
If it's something as simple as me paying for something that people never pay me back for, to something like people who take my feelings for granted.
I'm not a person who it is easy to win the trust of. So if you have it, and that matters to you, then you are a part of a small crowd...
just because I seem to be passive in many ways, very few of you know specifically how I feel about certain situations. And even less of you know what gets me to feel certain ways. I can only think of one person who fills the latter criteria.
So my plea is this, people. Dont take me for granted. Because I know if all of you went through what I do a lot of the time, you would feel the same way.. so why do it?
Of course, I know it's possible that it is actually all my fault. *I* should be the one bugging other people to pay me back. *I* should be the one who doesn't put myself in a position to be hurt.
But as far as that last bit goes, if you know me, you know that I believe that any friendship (like any relationship) has a certain level of risk.
I guess my passiveness just raises that risk to a level that is unacceptable to me. So in the end, I guess it really is my fault....
Until next time.....
:: Eldorado ::
Wednesday, April 23, 2003 ::
1:41:00 AM
Song of Choice: The Way You Make Me Feel - Michael Jackson
Grape juice, you know you want it.......
What makes grape juice so important to today's popular culture? In addition to it's smooth flavour, rich and inviting colour, and inexplacable knack for finding a place to nest a stain, grape juice has gone beyond all other juices (in my book) to take the lead as my juice of choice. And I believe it should for you as well.
First of all, For the past seven years, John D. Folts, director of the Coronary Artery Thrombosis Research and Prevention Laboratory at the University-Madison Medical School, has been investigating the clot-inhibiting activity of a number of common drinks. His studies have shown that grape juice has the same affect on the blood as red wine.
I believe I have conveyed my genuine affection for grapejuice, however here are some quotes I've managed to obtain from some prominent and not-so-prominent people.
"I absolutely love grape juice. I always have. When I was young, I used t-"
Hazel McCallion - Current Mississauga Mayor and geriatric
"I cant believe more kids dont drink grape juice, especially in our fine little suburb of Toronto, home of the worst hockey team ever. To all of you kids out there, dont you ever do a thing like put your head down to grape juice. Good ol' Kingston boys such as Mark Messier love grape juice, even though Mark isn't from Kingston."
Don Cherry - Hockey analyst, Canadian embarrassment and geriatric
"Don Cherry making a mess like Mess on this edition of Coaches Corner."
Ron MacLean - Sidekick
"I think grape juice is deeply misunderstood, and its representation in todays society has been overlooked. Its a hidden treasure that most people step over to get to there "precious" orange juices."
Julia M - Shoppers Drug Mart representative, student and geriatric in training
So as you can see from this panal of experts, I am not the only one who believes that grape juice has been given a bad rep among the juices of todays culture of both young and old.
So come on, people... Give grape juice it's fair chance.
Until next time.......
:: Eldorado ::
Tuesday, April 22, 2003 ::
11:04:00 PM
Song of Choice: Why Cant This be Love - Van Halen
My day is over. No calculus, woohoo! Electronics..... eeh... I passed, now the question is just by how much? I'm gonna anticipate a 70%.
My father is watchingn Smallville (I know....), and I'm sitting here for the microwave timer to count to 0:00.. I have come up with a new saying for our generation....
Our parents had "A watched pot never boils" We have "A watched microwave never beeps."
Ohhh!! there it is!
Until next time......
:: Eldorado ::
11:03:00 PM
Song of choice: Celebration – Kool and the Gang
I learned a very important lesson this morning.
No, not 5 cups of coffee will make you pee the equilivant of 10 cups of coffee a couple of hours later.. (is there some sort of pee multiplier I dont know about?). My lesson was that for every action, there is a greater and opposite reaction.
"Isn't that For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, you ask?
no. that isn't a typo.
Allow me to give you a little back story.. At the end of March of this year, I was pulled over by a cop on my way to school for speeding. 84 in a 60. ouch. that's a $115 fine with 3 demerit points.
I called up the Toronto Court Services telling them I wanted to protest my ticket. (Tip for all of you who get a ticket. PROTEST. EVEN IF YOU ARE TOTALLY GUILTY! 99% of the time you will be let off, or face lower rates.) Anyway, I chose to protest, and they told me my date to protest was April 25th. That's this coming friday, at 10:30am.
Alright, now on to how this has anything to do with action and reaction.
I went in to write my calc exam this morning, as normal as any other day, and I go in and I find out that the exam was moved... to this Friday, at 9:50am.
I tell my prof about my situation, and he offers to give me an assingment (most of which I have already done - it's right out of the text). and if I do this assignment, then he will give me a non-negotiable 78% in his class. Not too shabby, huh? That's a little off from my goal of 100% at the start of the year, but why nitpick?
...considering I would have been going into this exam with a 74%......
Until next time.....
:: Eldorado ::
11:02:00 PM
Song of choice - Aint Goin' Down
('till the Sun Comes Up) - Garth Brooks
Well here it is, it's 8:13am, and I'm writing this entry from my PDA.
I woke up this morning to find my father rubbing my back, which is quite rare because I usually wake up whenever someone even thinks about opening my door (I'm a very light sleeper most of the time). But not only did I not wake up when he opened the door, but he also walked across my creaky floor and came and had to shake me awake.
Suffice to say I was a little groggy.
It took me the best part of a half hour (and multiple instances of my father coming into my room telling me to get the heck out of bed) to actually get myself together enough to get up.
So I got up, and went through my usual morning routine. Stumble to the basement, get my clothes (doesn't everyone keep their wardrobe in their basement?) and make my way to the shower... otherwise known as the heaven of my home. I could stay in that little phone-booth sized cubby forever... maybe that's why I'm so comfortable in my rez room? =s
After my shower I continue with my routine. Dry off, get dressed (everything but my socks), brush my hair, then my teeth, and make my way (socks and PJs in hand) to the basement (yet again) so I can store my PJs for yet another day. I walk up to my computer in my room to print the crib-sheet I was working on last night, but my printer being here at school (did I mention I was here?) I had to email it to myself to open from the computer downstairs and print.
All was going well, I got in to hotmail, and got to the point where I was able to attach a file, but in the process of doing so, I get this message:
"A virus has been detected in the file you are choosing to upload. Hotmail will not permit the uploading of files that contain viruses...." blah blah blah.
Go figure, huh?
Anyway, to make a long story even longer, I went to an online virus scanner (no, I dont have one on my computer... dont really see a point to them) and scanned my computer. Sure enough, in a folder that had been forgotten long ago, lay a program called "Slippery Mouse". Now if any of you are aware of this, like the name states, it basically makes the mouse spaz out from the slightest nudge.
Once I knew it was the "A Slippery Joke" virus, I knew all was well. It wasn't malicious, so I knew I'd be safe to print.
The virus still exists on my computer... probably my dad's now too.. I really should take Norton AntiVirus home tonight and install it on both machines just to be safe...
Until next time......
:: Eldorado ::
4:04:00 AM
Song of choice: Everybody Hurts - REM
Yeah, you read the time right.. 4am..
*rubs eyes*
When will these stupid OpAmps ever end?!?! there's 30 friggin' pages of formulas for them!
in any case, I've done all I can do.. studied all I can study.
The only thing I'm worried about tomorrow is a part of my calc exam. TrigFunctions using calc..
sure, Trig was simple in highschool.. I got 100 on the trig test.. (well, 90.. 1 stupid question that I got wrong).
anyway, I dont know what the point of this post is other than to tell you that I'm going to bed...
They're ULTRA mean to put exams after the Easter break!
Oh, and what is coming up this week? none other than Jazz night.. oh yes, My old highschool (The Woodlands for those reading who dont know) puts on a Jazz concert every year.. it's very Laxed and quite nice.. sit back, eat a little food, drink a little coffee, listen to some good music.. it's all good. kinda like the symphony, only without the timpani.... or the strings... or giant hall.... or lots of people... balcony seating... $75 tickets...
...did I mention that there's gonna be food and coffee?
take THAT TSO! muhahaha...
*evil bird laugh* MuhahahaCheepCheepMuhahaha..
I'll keep up with my blogging tomorrow, but this site wont be updated until tomorrow evening...
what are PDA's for? =D
to keep me organized? pfft..
to keep my blog! =D
Until next time.....
:: Eldorado ::
Monday, April 21, 2003 ::
10:26:00 PM
Song of choice: Fishin' in the Dark - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Well I'm sitting here trying to get the incentive to study... think I can do that? I'll let you decide.
I just finished watching Everwood... yes, alright I'll admit it, it's a great show.. But Amy has to dump that sap soon or else I'm gonna take a little trip and break his knees...
I think I've successfully eaten my weight in food these last two days. Between the easter candy, dinner, and tub of sweedish berries (*drool*) I've had yesterday and today.... my stomach is finally bigger than my.................
I just visited jessica's blog, too.... (www.love_indifference_hate.blogspot.com) and I must say hers seems much more angry than mine.... must be a girl thing... cuz everyone knows that guys are far more calm and laid back than girls.. (I can hear the hate-mail coming in now...)
Anyway, her blog has got me thinking... what the hell happens between grade 10 and now? I remember grade 10.. life didn't exist beyond CarWars at lunch time. Haha... Blowing Oscar up with my Anti-Tank gun was cool.... Me and my HogRunner.... it was a beautiful car.. complete with bumper spikes... god, it's been a long time since I've thought of that.. But anyway, I'm off topic. What happens? Is it school? Does the endless stream of class do this to us? no.. it cant be... Ahh! I know... the answer is so obvious........ *backs away slowly*
Until next time.....
:: Eldorado ::
7:38:00 PM
Song of choice: Battle of New Orleans - Johnny Horton
Oh so fancy...
I guess I've got to start off by saying HOWDY!!!
Wow, now that little Miss. Jessica has me blogging again, I figure I should dedicate the first post to her. =) hehe
So yea, welcome to the OmegaBlog! I'm not too sure what you're going to be reading here, but that's the best part, no? Well here it is, Monday evening, and I haven't got a thing to do. Oh yea, those pesky exams that I have tomorrow. Calculus and Electronics. Am I ready for them? I dont know... Calculus I'm not overly worried over - electronics on the other hand...
At least it's not programming... in programming, I'm about as good as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest...
But anyway, enough school talk. Yesterday was Easter!
*Says Grace* Rub a dub dub
thanks for the grub
Yeah God!
I hope all of you had as good of an Easter as I... Family, good food, good music.. gotta love it!