
         My Digg.

Sunday, November 28, 2004 :: 3:42:00 AM

To give you an idea of what my job is like - here's my official shift report that I must submit for tonite (I'm working right now, actually.. Keep in mind this is JUST from 11pm - 3:45am).

Glossary - RLC - rez life co-ordinators, basically Head RA's, or Head Dons (those adult people that are the boss of all the RA's
Hurley - our cleaning Staff
Epitome - Our computer database of all students living in rez
Nicole, Jordan, Adam, etc... - RA's

keep in mind I'm working alone.


11:00 – punched in, talked to Crystal, heard about the shower (ewww!)

11:30 – resident came down asking for security to be called about a hallway party on S4, I explained that it wasn’t security’s job unless the RA’s figured they couldn’t handle it. I sent Jordan up.

12:00 – The same individual tried to get into rez 3 times without signing in. He didn’t live here, and I wouldn’t allow him to be signed in. I don’t know who he was, but if I saw the individual who tried to sneak him in again, I could recognize them both.

1:55 – did night audit

2:00 – did night audit again. Epitome was a day behind and jonathan told me to run it again.

2:20 – Individual called noise complaint on Michelle’s (RA S5) room. Called her – Jordan picked up and said he’d deal with it.

2:30 – Same individual called noise complaint on Michelle’s room. I called again, Michelle said she’d take care of it this time. I called the individual back, and he said it got quieter.

2:30 – girl throwing up in bathroom – has been for about 2 hrs

2:45 – one of these guests stole a pizza that I ordered *pout* Francesco Bilotta, Mike Fossey, Frank Veter signed into T217A, T217B, T325B respectively… *double pout*

3:00 – Laura finally took girl out of washroom.

3:05 – Individual from SB called up complaining of SB noise for the fifth night in a row, continued to tell me about the downfalls of rez (noise and such) more now that there is no RA on that floor – something needs to be done about this, I wouldn’t be a happy camper either.

3:10 – Crystal Penney wanted to sign in with no ID. I was going to call the oncall RA cell, Jordan (RA) told me to call colleen’s room cuz colleen and gwen were both in there. Gwen told me from now on to call the Cell phone (stupid Jordan…) didn’t end up giving me a definite answer before hanging up on me. I let Crystal in with Jordan’s permission. Jordan later told me that both Colleen and Gwen have been drinking tonight… I then looked at the on-call schedule – Todd is the RLC on call (who the **** is Todd?)

3:15 – Random Thought – Are residents getting more retarded as the year goes on? there needs to be more than one person behind the desk on party nights. It gets absolutely insane (and I’m usually very tolerable).

3:15 – Adam, Jordan, and Laura have been extra helpful with me tonight with checking IDs and such during busy rushes – thanks guys!

3:20 – individual called to get transferred to an “Eddie” in R743… there is no Eddie in this room according to Epitome – transferred anyway. This has happened a couple times tonight – Is Epitome getting out of date?

3:20 – my head is absolutely pounding… stupid jonathan not taking my shift so I can sleep off my headache *shakes fist*.

3:20 – yet again reported that there’s puke on the ground… how do we contact the cleaning staff about a situation like this? Called the main desk at the school, and he told me there’s no expendable cleaning staff on site on weekends…. Great job, Humber! No sign of Hurley staff.

3:25 – noise complaint on T5, but I cant get in touch with ANY of the RA’s.. no radio, no pager, not in their rooms to answer the calls… I’ll keep trying – this is ridiculous.

3:35 – Jasjot from T desk called for an RA because of a fight in the T lobby – I
explained my inability to contact ANYone. This is ridiculous squared.

3:40 – Finally got in touch with someone – Jordan called front desk. He told me to call Nicole. I did so, she’ll take care of the noise complaint.

:: Eldorado ::

Thursday, November 25, 2004 :: 5:09:00 PM
Song of Choice: When You're Gone - Matchbox 20

Why do I do it?

I cant explain why, so I dont know why I constantly ask myself. Allow me to elaborate.

A friend here turned 19. I was excited because I was going to be going to the first ever pub night at Caps, the campus pub. It's strange, I've been here for three years, and although I've been to Caps a ton, I've never been on a pub night. I just didn't like the idea of waiting in that huge line just to get in. Also, 8am classes on friday mornings dont help the situation.

Anyway, because we were going for this friend's birthday party, Beth told me that I've been put on the Guest list for the pub tonight, which means no line up for Kyle! Great! I'll finally be able to experience a pub night at the campus pub...

I was wrong. I was booked to work tonight! No biggie, though, I get off at 11... then I'll just walk over.. Wrong again! The birthday girl decided to go to The Wild Rose, which is a country dance club turned night club that is nearby, and a bunch of rez people go to. Uck. What does this mean for Kyle? It means that, yet again, everyone is out having fun while I'm stuck behind.

I dont know why I get this way. It's almost like I begrudge the people for going out and having a good time. Even back in first year when there would be a party to go to that I couldn't make, I got so incredibly jealous. That's it, jealousy - that's why I feel they way I do. They're having fun and I'm not. I assume that's a normal feeling to have, considering I'm not one to usually overreact.

Anyway, here I sit working. I'm working the other desk tonite, the one that isn't as busy as the front desk. It's really good because it allows me to actually get some work done. Some MUCH NEEDED time to sit down in front of a computer screen, distraction free (nearly.... stupid blogger), and work. I decided to whip off a couple assignments for my online english class that I have yet to even touch. They're surprisingly easy - I'd like to do more courses online.

I've also been super upset lately. So much so that my mind is racing at night causing me to stay awake. Everything from possibly missing Jessica's birthday this weekend, to a possible fail this semester, to me just being disappointed with myself overall. The only constant in my life right now is Beth, and I'm afraid I'm turning to her not because I'm looking for help but because everything seems to go away when I'm around her. And that's bad - very bad. I just push things under the carpet when it comes to the bad stuff in my life, and I never deal with it.

I'm slipping.

And not just with school, but my sleep paterns are going as well. I'm finding it a lot easier to stay in bed in the mornings than to get up and go to class.

I proved to myself in the summer time that if I pushed myself to at least attend all of the classes, but still keep the same work ethic, that I could do well in a class. Me, Kyle, who doesn't know how to program ANYTHING (or at least I've convinced myself of that fact) pulled off a B+ in my Microassembly Language Programming class -which is known as THE hardcore programming language that is one of the most difficult. I didn't even try, all I did was show up, and I got a B+.... why cant I just show up to my classes now? why do I continue to sleep late?

I wish I had the answers...
I wish I had my old friends back.... msn isn't good enough..

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Wednesday, November 10, 2004 :: 1:43:00 AM
yukyuks :) that was my guess... was I right? =D

:: Eldorado ::

Friday, November 05, 2004 :: 3:25:00 PM
I've just got one word to say to you...


:: Eldorado ::

Tuesday, November 02, 2004 :: 5:03:00 PM
I now bring you

Episode III: Revenge of the Conscience

I went back.

That's right - back to the red and white. Did I go back to try to get even more money out of them? That's what it started out to be. Cory and I found an even lower price and we were going back to match it. Right when we were about to go, I had a heart to heart with myself. I questioned my priorities, and realized that I have rather foolishly been spending money on myself ever since I got here. Money that was better spent on other things. Things like food... weekly entertainment... a GIRLFRIEND... What was I thinking?

So I went back, this time not with a heavy foot prepared for stomping like the last time, but with a heavy box. A 70 pound box. That was 3' x 2'... remember that box? That's right - I went to return my speakers.

It wasn't a tough decision, really. Not once I set everything out in front of me and re-evaluated my priorities. I thought to myself - what would make me happier - a kickin' sound system, or the look on Beth's face the next time I bought her something. It was a no brainer, and I got my money back.

Let this be a lesson to you all - never buy something so expensive on a whim. Go home, stew it over. You'll realize that the money is (probably) better spent elsewhere. At least, that's the lesson I learned today.

So I didn't beat Futureshop. But then again, Futureshop didn't beat me either.

Besides, I may be making a trip back sometime... maybe with some christmas money in hand.

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

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