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Thursday, July 28, 2005 :: 3:13:00 AM

Song of choice: Cheesy 90's Burger King jingle

Wut up, homiez? Dis is da K to da izzle... E to da....

hmm... *looks around to see if anyone noticed.. nope! all clear!* Good evening (morning?) ladies and gentleman...

The day is July 28th, 2005. Today was, quite possibly, one of the best days I've had in a long time... Allow me to elaborate!

I woke up this morning with the intent to see Anna. I got up bright and early, got dressed and showered (and shaved - which is rare!!!).. those of you who know me will understand.. I left my scruffy sideburns and my goatee though.... But I did modify the sideburns slightly.. They're not as "pointed" as they were.... They were too early '70s Elvis for me... like two giant triangles on the side of my face... now they're just long and scruffy... i cant tell if this is an improvement or not... you'll be the judge at the bbq!

I got dressed, and at about 9:00 I dodged the raindrops as I hopped out to the p-car. The leather interior is beautiful - if it gets wet I just need to wipe it down! I swear those seats are holding up well for being as old as me.. ahh yes - 1983 was a good year... and for some reason Anna just put it together that i am the same age as my car... Which isn't entirely accurate. My car was born in June - I was in January.. I was 6 months old when Phillis was born... oh if he could see me then.. weighing in at 6 pounds 3 ounces, I *almost* could have fit in the back seats! hehehe

Anyway, so I hopped in the car around 9 or so and I was greeted by a day that was as dark and as dismal as the ass of a east-bound dog at sunrise... (figure that analogy out).. I showed up, 15 minutes late (of course.. but according to KST (Kyle Standard Time = +30 mins) I was actually 15 mins early.. Since when does it take an hour to drive downtown???

let me get this straight... door to door - Brian's house (Fort Erie) to mine, in a '96 Pontiac I can drive it in 57 minutes... but from Mississauga to Toronto in an '83 Porsche it takes me an hour? Rediculous... Anyway I picked her up and after some pretty fancy detours, which ended with me giving up and taking the ETR and paying the fee to drive the 407, we got back to my place.... in an hour - figure that one out!

We had the house to ourselves - my mother was at work.. so we hung around for a bit.. She refused to eat anything saying that she never eats breakfast. I never eat breakfast either - it literally makes me sick.. But I felt like a dolt having her here and not offering her anything.

All of a sudden, Darth Vader arrives... oh wait, no, it's not Darth.. It's just my phone playing the Imperial March. It's my boss from work. But seeing as how I had a guest, and that it was my day off - I didn't bother answering it.. no voicemail so it must not have been all bad.. Seeing as how I'm pretty much the only person who knows how to run things over there, she comes to me a lot... as do all the other new employees. It's not rare for me to get 6am phone calls asking how to modify reservations.. or how to handle deposits.. This time I chose to ignore their pleas for help..

We stuck around here until 1:30ish. At which point we decide we're hungry. "Anna, if you decide where we go eat, I'll decide on what we do for the rest of the afternoon.."

she couldn't even do THAT... which is funny because I'm always the "whatever you want to do" person... but in this case - she is!!! my dear friends, I apologize from the bottom of my heart - I never knew how difficult it was to deal with me in the past.. Through my twin, I have seen the err of my ways and promise to be able to make decisions more easily in the future. We end up at Burger King, where they futzed up the order... I could tell Anna really wanted what she ordered so I packaged her whopper back up and exchanged it for what she ordered. The nasty part? get this - they put the Whopper i gave them back up to be re-served.... *barf*

It took us over an hour to eat our meals.. We had some much-needed conversations - some points that I wanted to make very clear.. Then we argued. "Anna, because you couldn't pick where we ate - pick the movie we're going to see."

no dice - we even narrowed it down to The Island and Batman in IMAX...

we didn't end up seeing either one of those - instead we forked over some Washington's (just doesn't sound right to say we forked queens...) and went to see War of the Worlds...

EXCELLENT flick... in the words of Biff: "Great friggin' flick!"

Anna poked herself in the eye - it made me laugh. That is all.

After that we lounged in the car for a bit then decided to get thrown about inside a giant plastic enclosure, we competed in the Indy 500, hit a few home runs, surfed, boxed, played the guitar, flew a jet airplane, went Skiing, bass fishing, and we saved the Mayor from a burning building (but the fucker ran right back in again - oh well his loss)...

we did all that today..

yes - all of it...

Actually we went to Playdium and did it all virtually, but it was still a fun idea anyway. The idea was to go there for the GoKarts, but SOMEONE has misplaced her licence (which was required to ride these Karts) so we hit up the batting cage instead (pun intended).

We started at the 60mph machine... I didn't do too badly, but not as great as I would have liked. I tipped most of them and shot them right up in the air... My problem was that I was swinging under all of them.. Anyway, after this I got fearless and went to the 70mph machine... hit a few decent shots to left field, but not before swinging the bat and sandwiching my index finger and jamming my thumb between the aluminum bat and the 70mph ball.. I expected worse, but it doesn't hurt really... I'm a MAN *hulk pose*

after the games we went up to the bar upstairs. I didn't want a drink, and Anna refused to order what she wanted, so i got 2 Pepsi's... for free (guess the attractive "girl-next-door"-esque bartendender thought I was kinda cute... :D

it quickly somehow became 10pm and I had to take her back downtown to drop her off.. where I waited for her to get on the right bus and get on her way.. just got home around 1 (filled up - 82 cents for the cheap stuff.. but i decided to give Phillis a drink of the 89 octane instead of the regular 87.. What? He drove from downtown Toronto to the gas station in Mississauga with the gas light blazing, and the needle PLANTED at the lowest possible point of the gas gague (it couldn't have gone any lower). He deserved a drink... not quite 91 quality - but I'm saving the 91 for when I PowerPROM his poor brain and chip him.. I cant wait - that car is so fun to drive.. i cant imagine what it'd be like chipped!

I got home.. I'm sure there's a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting, and a bunch of stuff that probably could have been condensed, but this is my blog and if you dont like it then bite me.

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 :: 4:17:00 AM
It's 4:30am.. woo hoo!

I cant really sleep so I thought I'd come here to give everyone a little update.

It looks like the BBQ is going to be on the 21st - I got a thumbs up by everyone so thank you all for making it really easy to decide a date. I'll send out another email to hit 10 or so people and their significant others that dont read my blog that contain the final details - ie. time, what to bring, etc...

I'm really excited this year. It's really my first year of combining Humber people with Woodlanders... (and a lonely Niagara College girl...) dont worry - I'll be your friend my dear.. I'll make it up to you... two words for you: Midnight Swim ;) lol :P).

The "dear" I speak of is Anna... Good lord, I haven't seen you in a Dog's age!! ok, granted, a really young dog... But you're coming over on Wednesday! *happy dance* I'm gonna show you the Mississauga sites like you've never seen them! Look out - Christmas is coming early!!!!! This is better than Christmas... It's like the first of July!! no.. better than that - it's like having Christmas on the first of July!!! We'll get Santa, bend him over.. jam firecrackers in his arse and light up the summer sky while singing "We're Off to see the Wizard" !!!

...what? the Wizard of Oz is a happy movie.. it's fun... what better than a 2 hour long acid trip filled with a giant talking flaming heads, flying monkeys, melting witches, a "weed field" that makes you sleepy, and horses of different colours?

yea.. it's like all of that - ROLLED INTO ONE! are you ready?

who am I kidding? it's not gonna be like that at all.. but I think I have some Fruit Cake in the freezer and a pack of sparklers out in the car... will that do?

Random: Robbie - say something clever in the comments...

I saw Andrew on saturday... Chrissy, I've told him a countless number of times already but please let him know how appreciative of his talents I am.

For those of you who dont know, we got up Saturday morning... I took him to his mom's place where all his shop tools are, and we fixed the Porsche... I had purchased a new Clutch Master / Slave Cylinder for (to use a pronoun for Jessica's sake - even though I dont ususally refer to my car as it, but....) her, but I didn't have the knowledge or the tools to do the job right (or at all). I could have fumbled around the master but I never would have made the short work of the slave that Andrew did..

The problem with the car was the clutch pedal. I would press it down and.... nothing. There was no pressure on the pedal, and because there was no pressure it didn't lift the gears apart when pressed, which made shifting rather... fun.

To tell you the truth, I was actually starting to get embarrassed whenever I stopped at red lights. Stopping was fine, it was GOING again that was the problem... Because the car didn't shift well, all of you who have ever driven standard know that shifting into 1st with a clutch that works perfectly is hard enough (until you get used to it) but shifting into first with a clutch that is as floppy as a wet noodle is next to impossible without stalling.... and stall I did - many many times...

But I dont have that problem anymore!!!

During the afternoon, Andrew decided to first proclaim that my car was a "he" and not a "she"... but "his" name was Phillis... Not Phil... But Phillis... I cant remember his reasoning behind this, but I thought it was quite comical... I now drive a gender-confused automobile...

I prefer to call it the Millenium Falcon.... Why? because "She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid."

Hmm... that reminds me of some girls I used to date... no offence to anyone reading! lol... oh god please no offence... it was a JOKE... relax... *picks up a length of pipe for protection*.

Anyway all.. I better boogie. I'm working tomorrow at 3, but I'm heading to NAPA first with the hopes that the can mix me up a can of LY5V paint for Phillis... her front lip has a few rock chips that I'd like to sand, prime, and paint out...

oh, I bought a new performance air filter for the car today too... I'll be retrofitting that as quick as it comes in... I think I'm up to the task - are y'all with me??? w00t!!!

See ya Wednesday ;).

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Wednesday, July 13, 2005 :: 6:15:00 PM
I'm emailing the link to this out to everyone, so hopefully everybody sees it!

Alright all you witches and warlocks out there... it's time once again for...

BooyaBQ v4.0 beta 3 release 12

For the thousands in attendance, and for the millions watching around the world... ladies and gentleman... lllllllets get ready to BOOOYAAAAAA!!!!

That's right... The 2005 Summer BooYA-B-Q is headed your way! But first we need to mutually decide on a day.. These are the dates available..

Possible Dates

Friday August 19th
Saturday August 20th
Sunday August 21st

***** More dates added due to some people being unavailable *****

Friday August 12th
Saturday August 13th
Sunday August 14th


My place - 3269 Strabane Drive, Mississauga

What to Expect

For those of you who have not made it to my party in the past, basically it's just one big chill fest. It's not like a newyears where we get drunk off our asses, throw up in the hallway (*cough* sorry D..) and pass out at 4am... Nah, although there will be alcohol at this event - this is usually just one big ChillFest (a new name for the BBQ perhaps? nah - cant mess with tradition..)

There is a pool, a deck covered by a big ol' maple tree... and usually a lot of catching up.. It's a celebration of the end of summer!!! Time to par-tay...

Q - Is this a stay over event? - That depends on a couple things. The day, of course, the party is held. The weather. And the number of people that I have coming. There's no sweet way in hell that I can fit all of you in my house to sleep.. no way, no how... I guess we could turn it into a camp thing, but sleeping on a wood deck might... be uncomfy.
Obviously the people coming in from out of town get first dibs - the rest will have to wait until I get some numbers back.. If you want to drink, I will ensure that you get home safely - that has never been an issue in the past. So please dont feel like I'm casting you off in Mississauga in complete drunkenness... Just talk to me - we'll work something out.

Q - What do I have to bring? What is provided? - Due to the increase of the guest list over the years, I'm no longer able to fund this party entirely by myself. So what I'm going to ask is that you help me out a little. In the past, I've been given the idea to have a sort of pot-luck.. I'll still cover the burgers and 'dogs, but if some of you could bring something (anything!) too, that would be GREAT... It makes for a little more variety. Takes some financial cost away from me.. Talk to me about it... Open up the lines of communication... and we wont have 6 people each bring a ceasar salad!

INFO - The stuff you need to leave in the comment section (or an email).

- Name, obviously..

- When you're available (either the 19th, 20th, or 21st). If I dont get a large response with these dates, I'll have to do some moving around.. But I expect all your little butts to be here, though... That's an order!

- If you can make it, what you can bring.. anything from pop, booze, burger toppings, chips, some sort of salad.. Please don't spend a lot! all I'm asking is 5 to 10 bucks or so... (but if you wanna spend more, I wont stop ya ;)) Tell me what you *can* bring, and I'll let you know after hearing everyone elses what would be a good idea.

- Just let me know if you were thinking of bringing someone. If so, who, and how many.

Now go to it, my minions! Hope to see you here at this year's BooYA-B-Q!

Until Next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

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