
         My Digg.

Monday, August 25, 2003 :: 3:45:00 AM

Song of choice: Falling in Love (is so Hard on the Knees) - Aerosmith

I've moved in.. blah blah... all in and ready. All my stuff is here, except for the things I put on the walls. I'm going shopping with Tanya and Crystal tomorrow at Value Village and Woodbine Centre for things to decorate with.

OK... screw everything up until last night.

Last Night

All of the new students and their RA's went to CAPS after their floor meetings, and because my floor didn't move in until today, I decided that because I was the only other person on the floor (besides my RA) that I'd go to CAPS with everyone else. I'm glad I did. I didn't drink excessively, but I did just enough to feel a little lighter on my feet. Still composed, but feelin' happy. Crystal, on the other hand, seems like she's out to prove something. She literally guzzled 5 coolers (A combination of Triple Black and Strawberry Daq's in less than 2.5 hrs. That's not normally that bad, but considering she's a lightweight drinker, it was a poor decision. She fell down playing pool, and suffice to say, we thought the elevator ride up to her room would be easiest, but she obviously didn't think so cuz she fell down in that, too.

So Tanya, Cory (a guy that was helping, like me, people move in the last couple days...) and I sat with her for a bit to settle her down, then I sat with her 'till she fell asleep. I then said my good-nights, and made my way back to my room at about 3ish.


Same deal, only this time it was MY floor (among others) that moved in. I went to CAPS tonite, too. Same deal, Crystal is out there to prove something by hitting the Triple Blacks early on. I ran into Chase, a guy we met last nite at caps while we were playing pool... ok, while Tanya and Crystal were trying to play pool.. we got to talking. He was there with two lady friends - Jenn and Angel (obviously not her real name, but will be cuz she's gonna change it soon).

The two girls were nice. Angel was just that - she seemed really nice. I sat there for about 45 minutes thinking to myself who Jenn reminded me of, and if you can believe it, she's a cross (looks-wise) between Sandra Bullock and Fariuza Balk (not a bad combination at all).

Anyway, same deal - I had a couple to get light on my feet again. I hadn't had anything to eat but a burger at 11am, so it didn't take much before I was smilin'.

At about 11pm it was decided that we were going back to Angel's room (who I believe is seeing Chase, but not sure...) for some Tequila shots and Fireball Whiskey.

What did I say? "what the hell... why not? I dont have anyone here telling me otherwise.." So armed with a pocket full of money....... that I later put two and two together and realized I wouldn't need it...............


I had a pocket full of money from when my parents came up to pick up the car. I moved myself in this year so I had it here.
My grandmother came with them, and when I mentioned I'd be going to CAPS tonite, my grandmother smiled, and my mum started to dig through her purse (obviously looking for a little spare cash to give to me). While she did this, my grandmother continued to smile, and handed me $20! My dad followed suit and gave me $10, while my mum didn't even notice, she hands me a friggin' FIFTY!!

Anyway, back to the story

We went back where I drank 3 shots of Tequila, two shots of Fireball, and half a shot of this green stuff that looked like mouth wash. I wasn't a huge fan. We then decided it would be good to order a pizza. I call PizzaPizza (this oughta be fun).. Anyway, I seemingly order the pizza without a hitch. She asked me to verify that the phone number and extension were correct, I said she was wrong, corrected her, and she said it'd be ready in 40mins, but that she was going to call back and verify. We waited, and waited, and waited....

I called back wondering where our pizza was - she got our extension wrong. The "only thing [they] could do" was put me on the phone with customer service. So they did and I was on hold and waited and waited....

and waited...

I hung up and called back, even more pissed off and drunk, telling the guy I wanted my pizza!

He told me I ordered it 18minutes ago, I said yes, he verified my order for me, and said it'd be 40 minutes...

just wait a god damned second here.. I ordered it 18 mins ago, but am given ANOTHER 40? that's bullshit, and I told the guy so. Mohammed didn't like me that much for it, but I told him that I wasn't paying for it if it arrived more than 21 minutes from that point in time.

18 minutes later I get a call telling me to go downstairs that the delivery guy would be there in "two minutes, sharp". They obviously want their money for this pizza.

I told the delivery guy to call his boss - he told Chase and I that he doesn't have a boss... This just in, Billion dollar pizza tycoon PizzaPizza has fired all their employees but a lowly delivery guy and a man named Mohammed to answer calls who, I'm convinced, is the same guy but just changes his voice whenever you call. Anyway, after all that, I managed to - while half ripped - convince the delivery guy to call Mohammed. He called someone (dont know who) but in the end I got my free pizza.

I dont care where you are, it shouldn't take 3 phone calls on my behalf, 1 phone call they said they made (but to the wrong extension) and 45 minutes to get a pizza.

We got free pizza.

We got Crystal back to her room after the pizza, and same as yesterday, I sat with her 'till she fell asleep.


I was leaving Crystal's room, said g'nite to Tanya, and was walking down their [all girls] hallway. I noticed that Michelle (didn't know her name at the time) was hunched over a bed herself talking to another victim of the sauce. Erika.

I asked them if everything was OK, Michelle explained that she didn't know Erika, but that she was absolutely (and I mean TOTALLY) ripped and needed serious help. I, being the good guy that I am, sat down next to her bed and started talking to her. She dry-heaved a few times, but that was a good sign because it meant her stomach was empty. She passed out, but really worried me. Nobody knew her, not even Michelle, and she didn't know anyone. I sat for a while, noticed she was in her bathing suit and smallish blanket. I looked over and sure enough there were her bedsheets and comforter crumpled in the corner. She threw up on 'em before I got there.. mmmmmmmmmmmm.....

anyway, she was out for a bit, and I went and threw her bedsheets in the wash. I couldn't put her comforter in though cuz it said 'dry clean only'. I felt bad about that (dont ask me why) so I left her a little note explaining who I was (cuz I really dont think she knows) and what I did with her sheets.

So that was my night... why was I drinkin' tonite? I wasn't going to until I got royally pissed off before my floor meeting tonite that I just said screw it, I was gonna have fun... I'll spare reasons for my upset-ness cuz I like to think I actually have class... others may disagree, I really dont give a damn anymore.

anyway, I'm tired... I just got back from Erika's about a half hour ago, and now I want to sleep...

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Thursday, August 21, 2003 :: 6:10:00 PM
I just made a post, "saved" it, now i cant figure out how to repost it *cries*

:: Eldorado ::

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 :: 5:33:00 PM
what's this?

:: Eldorado ::

3:14:00 AM
Song of choice: Trouble - Elvis Presley (very good "bad ass" tune...)

It's been a while.. lets see..

I had my last day of work on Saturday. There was a minor fairwell, considering my boss was the only other individual there. I had the time to sit down and write a really nice one page letter to everyone thanking them for everything throughout the summer, stuck it in an envelope, then tacked it to the wall. I'm sure they read it today.

Today was the day of my big summer BBQ. A bunch of people came over to the house today for a nice pool/bbq party. The guest list is as follows: Amy, Ferhanna, Julia, Erin, Jessica, Adit, Chrissy, Robbie, James. If you'd like to be put on the guest list, lemme know and I'll ask you next year! Chris made an appearance... ok, maybe not "appear"ance... more like he called from Vancouver. It was good to hear from him! He promised the next time I do something like this that he'd buy all the food. I'm holding you to that, Chris!

The event went off without a hitch (that I know of). It started out with Adit running from the car and jumping in the pool... ohhh the drama "queen".. followed by a bunch of ppl standing around watching him... dont know what that was all about, but we finally settled down and sat around and grabbed something to drink. Some people grabbed a pop while others decided it was a good time to pop open a Vex. We sat and talked (Chrissy, Adit, Jessica, James, Robbie, and myself) then Julia came from around the corner lookin' all pretty in her stylin' duds :). I gave her a "you were going to call me for a ride" kind of look, but she told me she insisted her brother drive her. Never the less, I'm really glad she came. Thanks sweetie :).

blah blah blah.. swimming... blah... drinking... blah blah.. food.....

food.. oh the food... You know, there's a reason why those Equality burgers are about a third less expensive than the MC or other "leading brands". Firstly, they're paper thin.. secondly, well... there's only a 'firstly', really... but they did the job, and did the job nicely.

back to the pool.. blah blah.. swim... darkness...

Jessica, Chrissy, Adit, and I had what Adit called a "Chicken Fight". It's where you're in the pool and someone gets on your shoulders and the same for the other two, and you duke it out until the other person falls off.. Jess and I won! YAY!!! Chrissy and Adit lost... sorry sweetie.... and sorry Chrissy. :P
Then something miraculous happened.. JULIA WENT SWIMMING!!! HEHEHE FINALLY.. after the whole night of nagging, she went! but it seemed like it was such a short amount of time later that she had to leave. so she got out and then left. :( Too bad she had to go, but her brother was waiting.. we'll see each other soon, right? RIGHT?

back to the pool.. blah blah.. swim... darkness... twinkle lights...

we have a massive maple tree in our back yard, and when I say massive, I mean MASSIVE.. like, Rosie-massive... Oprah-massive.. Godzilla-massive... (didn't think I could use oprah, rosie, and godzilla in the same analogy, did you?) and underneath it we put a couple hundred twinkle lights (but dont actually twinkle, they just stay on..) basically, they're just christmas lights.. really small white ones... and they provide lighting, as well as a set a good environment. Very warm, very inviting (in my humble opinion).

Then that's when Kyle got a little bit funny.. I swear it wasn't the alcohol! I just decided to loosen up.. I also decided that BOOBS was a really funny word, and that Erin would have the best name out of all of us if her name was BOOBS... "BOOBS McKAY".. I LIKE! We then sat around talking, and started to pack it in and everyone left about an hour and a bit ago. I just finished cleaning up not too long ago.. now I'm wearing my PJs....

Thank you all for coming over.. I'll look forward to seeing you all again...

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Sunday, August 10, 2003 :: 4:47:00 AM
Song of choice: With or Without You - U2

I dont know what to say. It looks like my useless blogging yesterday actually made people worried about me, and for that I'm forever sorry.

Last night was a rough night. I dont know what to say because I dont really want to embarrass anybody publicly (HA.. I act as if people actually read this thing), but the last two nights especially have been very hard for me to get through. There's something that I want, so very badly, and I can just never get to the point where I can rest easy because I have it, but I dont know what to do about that. Someone is preventing me from having what I want, and I dont know how to convince them otherwise.

Before I go any further, I want you all to go read this blog entry of mine. Please read it and take it to heart - because oftentimes when I'm in situations where I should be upset at someone else, I get upset at myself for letting myself be angry at them. Does that make any sense? I dont know what it is about me.. Anyway, that was my plea 3 and a half months ago, and it remains to be my plea today.

Jessica came over tonite and her and I had a fantastic evening together. We rented Sliding Doors, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off. We didn't get a chance to see Ferris Bueller's Day Off because it got to be too late. Which is HORRIBLE because it's a friggin' GREAT movie! Anywho, after our gossip session... ok, not gossip session, more like therapy session. Yea, Kyle needed some counseling tonite. Anyway, Sliding Doors was really sweet. It's a nice "feel good" kind of movie. Rent both of these - I give it two thumbs up. I just took her home now, and came home here to an empty house. Ok, it wasn't really empty, my sister is sleeping in her room... but it might as well be empty.

Nothing makes me feel better than being alone, but similarly nothing makes me feel worse. If I'm alone on my own accord, that's grand. If not, that bothers me. If I'm alone and I know other people are out having fun, it makes me so jealous. Like when Jess and James went camping a few weeks ago, I'm sorry to say Jess, but I was jealous as all hell! Anyway, last night was no exception. I was home, and stuck in my house.

This is a little dedication to "J".... I just found out tonite that she knows me through reading my blog... I must give her a reason to keep coming here, no? She is, after all, a valuable reader... If you do read this, please just let me know it. That's what that fancy doohicky on the left there is for! silly people visiting and not commenting....

These paragraphs dont flow at all, mainly because my purpose for this blog was taken care of in the first couple of paragraphs, and everything after that was just fill to make me look not-so-lazyish....

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Friday, August 08, 2003 :: 10:52:00 PM
Song of choice: Man on the Moon - REM
that's a great song.. must think of a worse one and save that one for later..
Song of choice: Two Pina Coladas - Garth brooks

I give up... there's only so much I can take...

ps. on an unrelated topic - I just ordered The Pizza From Hell, consisting of Jalapeno Peppers, Hot Banana Peppers, Hot Italian Sausage, and SUICIDE tomato sauce...

:: Eldorado ::

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