Song of Choice: Who Put the Bop (in the Bop-shoo Bop-shoo Bop) - Barry Mann
No profound thoughts in this entry, either. Just giving you a little bit to tide you over..
My frequent readers will know that that is just one big load of horse dung. Actually, it's quite a small load, but who says "that's a tiny load of dung".. all loads of dung, to the average person, are huuuuge.
This has been one of the best weekends in recent memory for me. Beth and I celebrated our one year anniversairy!
But first Minnie, a girl on the floor, who has up until now kept herself in a shell away from everyone else, got the courage to actually knock on everyone's door on our floor, hand out hand-written invitations to a Korean dinner she was planning yesterday evening. I was, although I didn't say anything vocally, really proud of her because it reminded me what I was like first year. I kept to myself, and never built up the courage (if you want to call it that) to really do anything with the people on my floor. She cooked us this really nice Korean beef which, from looking at it, was cooked in a wok with pepper, spices, sugar, onions, red/green/yellow peppers, and a few other ingrediants which I cant remember. It was tres yummy.
Our anniversairy weekend. One year! Wowzers. It was one year ago right now that Beth and I shared our second night in a row together where we stayed up all night to watch cartoons. Was it really a year ago? I cant believe it either. We've done so much since that time. She introduced me to the Rocky Horror Picture Show (which I'll never forgive her for.. lol), gone to my brother's wedding, she showed me the small town way of life when I visited her up north which I wasn't familiar to at all... shared a crazy halloween, a crazier St. Patrick's day.. and an even crazier pair of birthdays... now we've shared our first year anniversairy.. I am so incredibly lucky and blessed to have someone like her in my life - she's my comfort, my peace, and my love.
On an even better note (kidding, sweetheart!) I went out and bought the Star Wars DVD box set today. I wasn't going to buy it originally. I figured the pricetag of $65 was good for a 3 movie box set, but was just too much to spend right now. Well, I was in the mall the other day and Electronics Boutique had it on for $39 - that is, if you trade in 3 of your own DVDs... so I came back, copied 3 DVDs that I didn't mind losing the originals to.. went back to the store and scored me the Box set for $45 after taxes. Not a bad deal at all!
I also bought a used portable DVD player recently (you know, those kinds that look like a mini lap top). It was super cheap, 7" widescreen, and I couldn't refuse it. It was so cheap because the screen, although it worked, flickered when you moved it. I decided to open it up. I knew what was wrong with it, and my assumption was correct... but now that I have it in about 4 parts laying in front of me, I dont know what to do to get the replacement part I need to get this thing in tip-top shape... I must take it to an electronics repair shop. Anyone know of any in my area?
Anyway kiddies, I'm afraid I must say good bye for now. I'm tired, and dont feel 100%.. I felt a headache coming on earlier, and because of that I took a load of my pills... because of that, my stomach is rotting from all the caffeine... I'm going to bed... good night, all. =)
Until next time.......
*fade to black*
:: Eldorado ::