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Wednesday, July 23, 2003 :: 9:25:00 PM

Song of choice: Clumsy - Our Lady Peace


here's what happened. In my attempt to help jessica out with her blog template, I replaced MY template to make sure it functioned properly before handing the script over to her.. good thing I didn't, because it totally fudged up everything!

luckily I went searching through my archives of old websites and websites people have asked me to help them with in the past (yes I keep a lot of them.. never know when they'll be handy!) in a file marked "JessBlog.txt", I found MY outline.... tres weird, but nevertheless, I'm back and blogging with style!

work has been HELLA TIRING... and it's only going to get worse.. they're almost at the point where I'm gonna have to start going the length of the construction site (4.2 kilometers) to get the trucks tickets... maybe I should look into buying that ATV 4-wheeler I saw "for sale" out the end of some guy's driveway.. that would be SOOOO cool...

Another thing I'm looking to buy is a CB radio... (2-way radio).. lookin' for one cheap! anyone have one? lol

ANOTHER thing I'm looking for is a digital camera. The one that sticks out in my mind is the Canon S230/330.. the 330 is a hundred bucks cheaper than the 230, and the only difference is that the 230 is a 3.0 megapixel and the 330 is a 2.0 megapixel... (basically telling you the max size of the pictures that you can take.. the 3.0 obviously being able to take larger pictures.)

but the 330 can take pictures that can be printed out on 8.5"/11" paper fairly clearly! that's way large enough for me!

I wouldn't be printing them anyway, so who cares? it'd just be to take pictures for my website.

Last Saturday.. OYE last Saturday.... dont want to write it all out again, so I'll just copy and paste from an msn convo :p

I got up at 6am... got to work... worked 'till 1ish, then went home.. I was supposed to go out with julia that nite.. she tells me erin called her, and suggests to me that she (erin) comes along.. I said sure!

so anyway, I snooze for a bit, get up, get showered, dressed (in cold wet clothes cuz they didn't dry in time) then head out to wash the car and be on my way to pick julia up.. I'm washing the car at one of those coin-op washes.. u know, the ones you've got to do yourself? anyway, I'm washing along, and somehow the water coming out of the pressure washer hit a funky spot in the car and it sprayed back all over me.. mud.. water.. everything!!! I had to go home, get some more clothes, and start back out again... Julia called me and I explained I'd be a little late. She laughed... (thanks! =P)

driving down the 401, traffic gets REALLY slow... I'm like "what the hell?! it's a saturday evening.. it should be slow, but not like this" so anyway, I'm driving for a bit, and I look ahead, and there's fire.. like.. BIG fire.. there's a trailer that's on fire. the fire got so huge, I guess something inside was not-so-fire-friendly, so the entire thing exploded! blowing the sides of the trailer out and sending stuff flying in the air. I could go on about the fire, but to save my poor fingers I wont.. I got by the fire and traffic picked up.. I get to the DVP (the highway running north/south I usually take to get to her place..) CLOSED...

so I continue to warden, the next exit... but miss the friggin' exit so I continue ON to the next one.... anyway, I pick her up and I was about 40 mins later than our original meet time.. but that's ok, she expected me to be late cuz I called.. anyway, we're driving along... by this time the trailer fire is out, but
traffic is still slow.. we're supposed to meet erin NOW.. but we're still 20 mins away.. I try calling, "not available", or so the nice recorded message told me.. julia suggested sending a text message, but I didn't cuz it wouldn't help anything if her phone is off.. we're driving along, and I look over my right shoulder to
see if it was ok to change lanes... I hear julia SHREAK "OH MY GOD!" I look back and a huge friggin' truck is pulling into my lane... right next to me!

I have to brake and swerve to avoid getting munched... anyway, he nearly ended up clipping the front of my car, but didn't... *sigh of relief here*

we get to courtney park where we're supposed to meet erin.. she's talking with some friends she ran into there.. she's like "where the hell were you?!" I told her the story, I said I tried to call but her phone was off.. she said it was on, but didn't have any money (it's prepaid) left on it, but could still get txt messages.. I then got the "I told you so" speech from julia..

we golfed.. I won (sry guys, cant beat a master..) ohhhh it was beautiful. they should have given me a green jacket... anyway, afterwards, we sat around... erin went home, I took julia home, but first we stopped off at Tim Hortons, and talked for a bit.. (and might I say.. there are a lot of cops that go through the drive thru at midnight..)

it was a great night! thanks girls. :)

I actually got a chance to talk to Chrissy the other night on msn.. it was good to talk to her again. She caught me up on all of the drama people from The Wood that I haven't talked to for a while... I also learned that Chrissy is going to Humber in september, however, to the south campus.. that's really too bad, but I'm sure we'll run into eachother at some point.. I'll make sure of it! (and lunch is on me too!)

oh yea, anyone who wants to spend some time on Temptation Kyland, I'll buy you food! it's my bribe to you... if u dont wanna do it for me, do it for the food!

anyway - going to watch tv for a half hour.. I'll be on msn.. talk to me - I'm bored!

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Thursday, July 17, 2003 :: 4:20:00 AM
Song of choice: Shake your Groove Thing - Peaches and Herb

4am... yes, 4am..

for those of you who dont know, it's 4am..

I have to have something other to post here... the time will not cut it..

I went to bed early tonite.. about 9-9:30.. I cant remember the last time I did this.. maybe back at school? one of those days where I went to bed at 4pm and just didn't bother getting up? anyway, the result is me awake now.. WIDE awake, might I add.. *yawn*, ok, maybe not so wide.. and wanting to blog.

Jessica has some ongoing problems with blogger... but it's so strange because I have never once had any sort of problem with it! GO BLOGGER!

meh.. I'm giving up now.. going back to bed..

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Tuesday, July 08, 2003 :: 11:18:00 PM
Song of choice: The Only Thing That Looks Good on Me is You - Bryan Adams

For Roohi hahahaha =P

Oye.. thanks Jess, Roo, and others who have posted ideas here and to my email.

My writers block, however, is no longer blocked. I've been doing a lot of reading at work (yes, my job is just as boring as ever, but there is that one day every two weeks that just doesn't seem to be as boring as the rest when I wander over to (my banking website) and check my balance out... ahh the wonderment of money just appearing in one's bank account....)

Anyway, I've been reading everything from The Toronto Sun (I know I know.. news value sucks, but u wanna know something? I find the editorials, letters, and "Dear Abby" much more entertaining anyway), to philosophy, sociology, and humanities... And I definitely read something in my sociology book that warrants a response, however, I keep leaving it in my desk drawer at work.. I'll remember to bring it home. I think those who are just finishing highschool would be affected most, or those that are moving on to something else... more "grown up"...

My blogging has been slow lately mainly because my mind has been slow. Nothing has really happened to stimulate it (nothing I can comfortably write about anyway, without fear of being clobbered by someone else.. lol), and I hate that.

Oh I've got something... a couple things, actually.. geeze, jessica, for getting me started...... *shakes fist*

Last Saturday was a FANTASTIC evening/night. Here's the plan... friends of mine (Erin, Jessica, Chris, and Julia) were all gettin' together for dinner and a movie. Julia, for those of you who dont know, is a good friend of mine that I met through Erin. They both shared a french class at York last year. Anyway, they hadn't seen eachother since, what was it girls, april? anyway, I arranged for Julia to come out with us. But there's a catch.. a catch that Julia was very reluctant to go through with.. lol - Erin was clueless to Julia coming. Hell, I dont even think she knew that Julia and I talked all that much, let alone hung out together.

Anyway, even through Julia's reluctance, I went through with the surprise, and all went off without a hitch. She (J) admitted to me later that it was worth it, though.

Oh how I love surprises. rather, how I love to GIVE surprises.

Anyway, the night was great. We went to Boston Pizza for dinner, then went to see Legally Blonde 2..... *slaps self in the face* I know I know.. but I was out with 4 girls, 3 of which were "blonde"....

Yes I included Chris in my count of girls. Come on, dude... you actually used the words "screw" and "T3" in the same sentence (fragment)... you've lost all credibility with me. lol

Guys all around, I took one for the team for you this night. Remember me for it.

After that, I took Julia home, DIDN'T fall asleep on my way back to MY house this time (understand that she lives a good 30-40 minute highway drive from mississauga), and went to sleep.

1 order of horizontal line with more blogging on the side please?

Last night.. oye, what DIDN'T happen last night.

I get a call from Christa asking me if I was free.. I said yes..

ok, long story short, Erin and Chris were free too, and we decided to go for ice cream.

I get to the Parlour, FIRST!! BAAAAHAHAHAHA I BEAT U ALL THERE FOR ONCE! sit at a table for 4 (right next to a dude that I used to work with...) and whip out my phone to see where they are. Where are they? about 100 feet behind me stopped on the side of the road with their hazzards on and hood open.

I go out, find out they cant start the car. When he turns the key, the lights flicker....


the battery is dead, or at least doesn't have enough juice to start the engine.

I whip the car around and jump it. it starts successfully!!!!

....but dies about 30 seconds later...

a "doh" grin comes over my face because I know what's wrong, seeing as how the same thing happened to me a couple weeks ago.

I jump it again to be sure, it dies again...

the alternator is dusted..

what is the alternator? It's the little generator in the car that, when the engine is running, charges the battery. No battery charger? no battery charge. no battery charge? no battery.

so we parked the car, went in and had our icecream, walked down to the end of the pier, and back up to the cars where we jumped it one more time. It was decided that because I've driven in situations where the power steering and brakes flaked out... woohoo! I get to drive old 'n busted with erin, while chris drives new hotness with christa. (we both own Grand Prix's, but mine is a newer model, so I make fun of her for it.. which I shouldn't, considering hers is ACTUALLY hers. lol)

anyway, here I am, speeding down mississauga road... my philosophy is to keep my foot on the gas.. because as long as u have gas feeding the engine, and KEEP YOUR FOOT OFF THE BRAKES, you'll be fine and the batt wont die... (foot off the brakes because it keeps ur brake lights from turning ON.. which sucks juice from ur batt...)

oh god so many illegal things were pulled to get that car home... running red (solid red) lights... excessive speeding... stop signs? what are those?

highlighted by my need to make a left onto Glen Erin on a red light, so I screech around the corner to the right, then immediately do a U-Turn and go through..
as well as chris pulling, diagonally from the south-bound side of the road to the north-bound side through an intersection after a red light to meet us
where we died...

it was quite a night.. or as chris put it: "a bonding night" lol.. hardly, but whatever works :)

in the end, we jumped it 4 times to get it to her home.

so that has been my last couple days... everything between my last post and saturday? well.... I think I saw a flock of pigeons.... I wore my ring on my left thumb for an hour or so... threw out a pair of boxers... and did my laundry...

that's it.

This whole paragraph is here (and is one massive link) to tell you that I've started to finally update my website, so GO visit it! please post in the caption section, and if you haven't already done so, in the OmegaBook!!!! thanks a bunch! OH and the poll too! thanks :)

Until next time........
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

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