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Tuesday, January 25, 2005 :: 4:55:00 PM

finally got to finishing my last entry.... it just continues, so go read it! now!


:: Eldorado ::

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 :: 8:47:00 AM
Alright alright, here's the situation for all of you who would rather read my blog than talk to me! I figure putting it up here so I dont have to keep typing it to people on MSN is a great compromise.

The last 6 weeks of my life, save Jan 6-11, have been hell. As you all know, I thought there was something wrong with me physically, so I went to the doc before christmas to get some blood work done... nothing showed, which was both good and bad. Good because it meant I was physically alright, bad because I still didn't have any answers.

Then I had Christmas holiday. It was a good time with family, but the holiday is so packed with routine that what I once loved about the holiday is becoming tiresome - this year didn't quite live up to my expectations, and therefore the holiday just kinda "happened" and left. woo hoo!

I went back to the doc on Jan 6th, I believe. We discussed my bloodwork, and somewhere between the time I had a mole on my nose burned off (which didn't work, by the way... disappointing..) and the time I left, the word "depression" came out. Immediately a huge weight was lifted from me. I felt brand new! Not really brand new, just really glad that the word that I have been thinking about since a couple months in to first year. What happened in the first few months of first year to send me into this downward spiral is still unknown to me. Probably the constant feeling of being alone, but it could be any number of things.

Anyway, you all know about the TV, and Surround sound system... That day I also had a nice jacket purchased for me as part of a birthday present from my parents... And from then on, I felt really REALLY good... I moved back to school, got my timetable, I saw Beth, and all was set. Tuesday was supposed to be my first day of class, but those classes moved to friday so my first day was to be Wednesday. I didn't print a copy of my timetable before Wednesday morning, so I went online to get it to see what room my first class was in.... "No Timetable is currently available for the time you have chosen."


Long story short, I didn't have a timetable because I was withdrawn from my program, on the eve of my first class. I called the asst. dean's office to find out why I didn't have a timetable, and that's when my suspicians of withdrawl were confirmed. Hmm, where do I go from here?

I called home. I just said to my mom "I dont know what to do..."

We talked. I called my dad, and we talked. I'm not usually really forward about my academic career with anyone, even my parents... Whenever anyone asks how things are going, I say "not too bad" or "pretty good" and quickly change the subject to something about them to avoid any further questions.

This was wednesday. I had already made an appointment with my program co-ordinator to discuss dropping a class or two from this semester and making a couple up that I missed previously, but now I had to shift gears. I had to convince this man to let me back into the program. My father said that my mom wanted him to sit in on the meeting between me and the co-ordinator. My dad and I knew this wouldn't accomplish anything knowing that this was, in fact, College and not grade or even high school. He came at my mother's wishes anyway, but sat outside. I showed up for my meeting and my co-ordinator's doors were closed. Not the doors to his office, but the doors to anything "human" that existed in this man. He wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. I explained that I could get a doctors note outlining my "personal situation" (my doc would have done anything for me at this point for my well being) from last semester which caused me to miss 3 courses, and he said he wouldn't let me in even with a doctor's note. That was a rediculous comment, I thought...

Then he continued to say "Kyle, you're a charming young man. You're good at convincing people to do what you want them to do. But I will not be charmed, I will not be convinced, and you will not be re-instated into this program."

wow, that was really harsh. I guess I should have formally dropped his class last semester instead of just stop going... lol (but that was my mistake, he still had no grounds for a comment like that.)

He then continued to tell me that there was absolutely nothing I could do. He told me to leave and re-apply to the school for September. This was unacceptable for me. I left the office, explained the situation with my dad, and started formulating a plan of attack in my head.

The only thing my co-ordinator told me was that if there were, in fact, so many errors on my transcript that weren't at a cause of myself but administration or professor error, then I had 1 week to get them sorted and have a re-evaluation meeting with him the following week. I agreed this was a suitable compromise, because I knew I wasn't getting anywhere with this man.

So I got up early-ish on Thursday, and started my leg work. I found a teacher that submitted a wrong grade for me 2 semesters ago, a 54 instead of a 64. This was due to an assignment that he just didn't mark (even though I did it). He told me that there was no possible way to change the mark now because I had left it so late. If you're interested on why I went to him about this late, then ask me.. I wont take time to write it here, but my reasons were valid.

then after that I went to my co-ordinator to get a couple exemption exam papers signed. He gave me permission to write an exemption exam for first semester math because I showed in both Calc classes that I knew what I was doing, and didn't need to take basic electrical math and algebra again. He wouldn't sign them because he "didn't remember" that he gave me permission, even though I have about 10 emails from him regarding this situation. Also in this meeting, I needed a letter from him to take to the Head of Records. I needed to go there because there was a fail on my transcript that was made up in the summer time. I want that fail to be removed and replaced with the new mark. He said he "didn't have time" to do this.

This confirmed to me that I was, in fact, hitting my head against a wall with this man and had to think about what to do next.

I've gotta go for now, I'll be back around 4ish to complete my blog entry....

Until then.......


Continuation - long overdue....

woo, ok where were we? I'm sorry about that. I wrote out the entire rest of it when I said I would, and then when I hit "publish post", the screen went to a 404 error, and when I hit back, all my writing was gone..

Here's the dealio... I saw that I was hitting my head against a wall with this guy so I walked out of his office... down the hall and realized I should probably go above and beyond him - so I went to the dean's office. I was told that I couldn't go to him, that I had to talk to an assistant dean first.. I thought, ok. I can do this.

I waited for him for nearly two hours until he was out of his meetings. At that point I walked into his office and started into my shpeal (sp?). He spoke with me for TWO hours.. TWO! I couldn't believe it.

Half way through he looks at me, and at my coat and says "is that your jacket?" "yea..." "Put it on and come support my drug habit." (he wanted to go out for a smoke). We even talked casually for a bit.. He asked about my family life, previous jobs, etc... He was a really nice guy and I couldn't have hoped for anyone better than him to talk to. He related to me, and told me that he would "step on anyone's toes that he had to in order to get me to graduate." I liked the cut of this man's jib. =P

He told me to come back the following day at noon. I did at 11:50, where he was having a meeting with my co-ordinator. They were discussing other things, not me.. I was listening outside his office.. Not really ethical, but I figured if it involved me then it was alright. When the topic of me DID come up, the dean brought me up by saying "I had an interesting meeting with a rather manipulative young man yesterday.."


excuse me? manipulative? God, I HATE business men...

I walked into his office after he was done talking with the coordinator and we sat down and worked out a deal. I showed him my outline for my entire academic career between now and December, showing the classes that I need and when they are offered. This impressed him and he decided to let me go on with it. So I am, right now I'm taking night school. 4 hours on Mondays is devoded to Programming in Java, and 4 hours on Wednesdays is devoted to Photonics/Fibre Optics.

I also made a really tough decision recently. I moved out of rez and back home. I figured it wasn't worth staying there for the two nights/week... and besides, I'm also looking to buy a car soon so I hope the money that I get back from rez, tuition, food, and taxes will cover that... plus the money from a job I hope to get sometime and that I'm looking for right now.... here's hoping!

Oh, wanna see the car I'm gonna buy? This isn't the exact car, but it's the same colour / model.. check it out right here:

That's a 1983 Porsche 944... A buddy of mine owns it now and wants to sell it... hopefully my job enables me to pay for this beauty... Actually, I could pay for it now outright, but hopefully my job lets me MAINTAIN this beauty.. lol

Until next time......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Friday, January 14, 2005 :: 5:46:00 PM
Notes to remind me about making a post later.

- It's bad, but not as bad as it could have been.
- Really "nice" asst. dean
- Manipulative young man
- I'm charming, but...
- exemptions? what exemptions?
- is that a thumb drive?
- Dean's List
- End of an Era

:: Eldorado ::

Wednesday, January 12, 2005 :: 2:35:00 PM
The only difference between a College drop out and me is that a college drop out CHOSE their fate.

more later.

:: Eldorado ::

Thursday, January 06, 2005 :: 4:23:00 PM
Song of choice: The Theme From Star Wars - John Williams

I now bring you...

Episode IV - A Refurbished Hope

It is a period of personal war.

oh forget the scrolling text. lol

I went back! Oh yes. I went back to the big red and white. This time, I was not armed with the intent on bringing home a set of speakers that could, simply by turning up the volume, blow a girl's clothes off. No, I was looking for something a little more practical than that - a 27" Colour Flatscreen Television. I told myself, hell I even told my mother who was with me, that I was just going to browse. But in the end, I ended up borrowing the money from my mom to buy this. Of course, I wouldn't be positing this story here unless it was worthy, and lived up to my previous Future Shop stories... Here goes...

I walk in, walk around for about 10 minutes or so before I go up to a guy and ask him for a "relatively cheap" 27" television. He pointed some out to me. Now, if you've been talking to me in the last week or two, you'll know that I was with my dad a while back and I saw this television (mentioned above) for $269.99 - which is FREAKIN AWESOME for a TV that size (let alone a flatscreen!). Only now, the price was $279.99 - I told the guy right then and there that I'd take it!

"I'm sorry sir, we have none in stock."
"How much if I want to buy that *points to display model* one?"
"It's not for sale. But this lovely RCA television is on sale for $399. I even have a floor model that I can sell you for 10% off!"
"I dont want the RCA. Are you sure I cant have that one?"
"Are you really sure? Is there anyone else I can talk to about this?"
"Hold on."

At this point, my mom explains to me that I've got balls to act this way with this guy.

Point A - Kyle has balls.

He comes back with his sales manager.

Manager - "I'm sorry, I cant sell that one for you."

My mom pipes up - "Are you sure? I want to buy it for his birthday."

Now, she already got me my birthday present, but that guy didn't know this...

Manager - "Alright.. I could say no to him, but I cant say no to you! Would you like to buy the extended warranty? It's only $49.99 for 3 years."

I never buy the extended warranty, but this WAS a display model. I agreed. So the manager thanked me for my business, and left me with the original sales guy.

Original sales bonehead - "Um sir, we dont have a 3 year warranty on this item available. Only for 5 years, and it's $69.99."

After much haggle, I agreed... Besides, my mom thought it would be a good idea.

Point B - The money earned from the sale of an extended warranty goes directly in the pocket of the individual who sells it to you.

He rings it up. Adding $279+69 (TV and warranty).

Me - "Umm. Isn't the TV 10% off?"
"No. Why would it be?"
"Because it's a floor model - all floor models in futureshop are 10% off." (I know this to be true.
"This isn't a floor model - it's a display model, and isn't subject to our 10% off offer."
"What's the difference?"
"This is a display, that RCA is a floor model."
"Again.. What's the difference?"
Mom - "Kyle... what are you doing?"

I go have a little chat with my mom. I tell her that if he's not giving me 10% off, then I'm going to can the extended warranty. I'll take my chances.... we go back to the guy.

"Ok, if it's not 10% off, then I'll take my chances and not get the $69 warranty."
"So if you'll just ring that up for me..."
*pause for a few seconds..* "Umm, let me go talk to my manager again. It's a good idea to get the warranty."

Ah ha! I found out where this guy's button is... He was going to make 70 bucks off me, and now he's not... boo hoo... But all was going according to plan. As he left, I explained to my mom why I did what I just did. She laughed, and again, says I've got balls to talk to a sales rep like that.

Point C - Kyle, again, has balls.

He comes back - "Ok, I'll do it for you. I'll give you 10% off if you buy the 3 year extended warranty."

so lets do the math... $279 - $28 + 69 = 320

SOLD. The television is now sitting in my trunk.

Insert Horizontal Line Here:

To follow up on my last entry - I went back to the Doctor today. My bloodwork was great! Every number directly in the middle of the reference range. We talked a little more - he burned a wart I had on my foot off, and the two moles on my nose... he says the liquid nitrogen will shrink them - the first treatment a couple weeks ago worked alright, but he did it again to shrink them even more. We talked some more. My mother was there, mainly because I have a problem verbalizing anything wrong with me.

The "D" word was finally brought up. No, not doughnuts (although they sound pretty good right now.. I could go for a nice honey glazed....... anyway). But Depression. I know, I know. Pretty common term, but I've now possibly become a statistic. I could tell his wheels were turning about what he should do with me. It's easy to tell when his brain is going a mile a minute. Anyway, he said he could give me a mild perscription, but I told him that I wanted that to be a last resort - he agreed that was the best option, he was just starting to list the options. He eventually told me that he would be in touch with someone in Mississauga here that I could talk to. A shrink, to put it bluntly. So now that we've ruled out anything physically wrong with me, they're working on the mental side of things.

Wish me luck!

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

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