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Saturday, May 29, 2004 :: 1:03:00 AM

Song of choice: Blow in your Nose - Van Morrison
*and no, I've never heard this song before.. I dont think... I can thank google for finding the name of a song with the word "nose" in the title.

I need to get a nose job.
you laugh, but it's true. And I'm going to get one.
really, stop laughing, I'm dead serious.
I am getting a nose job.

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 :: 8:01:00 AM
It's Tuesday. A dark, spring Tuesday.

I'm up, and already at work. Have been for about two hours now, and am surprisingly not tired. Even after my weekend.

Satruday came along. I was to meet Beth and her family, along with Brian and Jen, in Fort Erie for dinner. It turned out to be a good evening. I got to Brian's place (which was surprisingly easy to find) and picked him and Jen up. We then made our way to the restaurant where we tied Beth, lookin' pretty good in that blue skirt mind you =P, in arrival. The Barrel. Yes, The Barrel. It was a nice restaurant, I think. Nice atmosphere, pretty decent food.. It was a pizza/pasta place. I had just plain penne with tomato sauce.

After dinner Beth's mom gave us all a little bit of money to use to go on rides that they had in the parking lot of a local mall. It was much the same as the travelling carnival things that you'd see anywhere else. We went on the bumper cars first. God, I cant remember the last time I drove around in a bumper car - in fact, I dont think I ever have! And then we played some of the carnival games. I came SO CLOSE to winning at this game where you had to shoot a ball from a gun and hit over 3 cans piled in a pyramid shape. I hit them all over, but the guy said they all have to be OFF the table. One can remained - I didn't win. Oh well, it was on to the tilt-a-whirl. Nice little ride. Then Beth went back to Niagara on the Lake with her family, which is where they were staying. I only got to see her for a couple hours, but it was worth it - it reminded me that she does, in fact, exist. lol

After that Brian, Jen and myself went back to his house and played a game of "Bugger Bridge" with his family. Now, bugger bridge for those of you who dont know, is a game much like "Asshole", only your first hand is comprised of 1 card, second hand comprised of 2 cards, etc... and at the start of each hand you bet on the number of tricks you're going to win. If you get your bet, you get points, if you go over your bet or under, you dont.

Then after that Brian and I played a game of chess. I was dickin' around, not paying attention, and he beat me in about 6 moves. lol so I wanted to play again. We set it up, and I had to go through with him telling me how good he is, how he was on all these teams and competitions.... Long story short, I whooped him. lol sorry Brian =P

Anyway, we wanted to play a third game so we did... And in a game that even he agrees I *should* have won, I made some really dumb choices near the end of the game which eventually cost me my king. No worries - all in good fun.

Then about 1:10 I headed home. I got home at about 2:10 (yes, that's right. 1 hour from Fort Erie to my door... which wasn't bad... the hour and ten minutes TO Fort Erie earlier that afternoon was more impressive though! lol

Sunday very little happened.

Monday, even less happened.

And now, it's Tuesday. A Dark, spring Tuesday.

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Thursday, May 20, 2004 :: 7:26:00 PM
Song of choice: Come and Get It - ACDC


Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

12:59:00 PM
Song of choice: Working Sucks - Kyle Eyers

I wrote a song.... it's called Working Sucks... it goes like this...

Da da da doo da deeba da di do doo...
Working sucks!
Da da do dee
Working suuuucks!
Da da do dee

ok, so I wont quit my day job (kind of ironic, no?)

I'm at work! Seems like all I do is sit at this bloody computer and input numbers all day.. and graph things... and type things.. Oye, remind me I never want a desk job - unless it's something I actually enjoy.

So, I might be moving eh? Jobs, I mean. Turns out that the powers that be at this company dont like me working in the same office as my father, even though he's not my direct supervisor. It's not really an issue that me might show favourites, it's more technical than that. You see, with two family members working in a company, a manager and an accountant for example, things can go wrong. There, you have two signing authorities that can, theoretically, send money to places they shouldn't be sending it (ie. perhaps personal bank accounts). That's the policy.

But that doesn't apply here. I'm just doing office work. Typing out forms, and I sure as hell dont have signing authority. So does that mean I've still gotta be moved? Apparently. The dude that is gonna decide that was supposed to be here this morning and hasn't showed yet..

That sucks because I really feel like I'm accomplishing something here. Oh well... I guess when I'm just a summer temp, I bend to their will - but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Gotta go, I'll write about more later I'm sure....

Until next time......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Monday, May 17, 2004 :: 12:43:00 PM
The Orgasm Berry

Narayan, a guy that works in the office with me here, just gave me the most incredible strawberry... He said they're from his backyard... Think about that.. Strawberries in May... GOOD strawberries.. like, HUGE juicy... mmmmm....

anyway, just thought you'd like to know.

:: Eldorado ::

Sunday, May 16, 2004 :: 10:57:00 PM
Song of Choice: Miss You - The Rolling Stones

OK, time for another rant.

Last time it was Kill Bill, and me honestly asking all of you to supply me with reasons with why that was a good movie. I haven't got any response from it yet. I know i will at some point, but until then, the honest request for you to tell me why you liked it, stands.

This time, I'm picking on something a little more personal. A personal pet peeve I have is of people who bitch about things that dont need to be bitched about. For example, the (rather controversial) movie Troy. I've heard it on the radio, on the news, and from friends of mine. "It's not the same as the Illiad". Ok, not liking a movie is fine, everyone is entitled to like or not like what they please. But not liking a movie for not being true to an earlier representation, where it doesn't even claim to be a re-telling of that story? This I just dont understand.

Troy is Troy, and The Illiad is The Illiad.... What more is there? none. Homer didn't make up the story, he just wrote about it - why does everyone take his word for gospel? Or am I really missing something here? If I am, then I will retract my arguement. Right now, I'm only forming the basis of this rant on what I know - if it's misinformed, I apologize.

so that's my pet peeve. You want to bitch, find something worth bitching about it.. Everyone on the radio, of all people, should just shut the hell up. Chances are you're educated, which means you should understand my point..

oye, I'm tired... catch y'all on the flip side..

Until next time......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Saturday, May 15, 2004 :: 12:37:00 AM
Alright, no song tonite.. just because I wanna write this and get it over with..

All hype, no bite.
This is why Kill Bill Vol. 2 sucked.

I'm sick of people telling me it's the best thing since the Shawshank Redemption, or [enter an equally classic movie here]... it's NOT... the fight scenes were just that. There was nothing new to make me drool. The story could have been shaved down to an even 20 minutes - half hour tops... and, well, I just plain didn't like it..

Now, I saw the movie quite a while ago, but I'm sick of reading blogs, and reviews, and such of people who loved the film. Tell me why? I dont understand; please enlighten me. (that's an honest request).

Best part of the movie? David Carradine. He's the man. He's Kwai Chang Caine!!! that guy rocked, for REAL... but Kill Bill? come on.. I mean, some of his dialogue was cool... pure Carradine... but after that, you want to know something? the first movie was driven by senseless violence. The second? a little more plot driven, I'll give you that, but if I have to sit through another of what I call the "soap opera silence", I'm going to SCREAM! Ooooo.. one person looks at someone else, the camera quickly cuts to the second person... back to the first.. back to the second.... flashback... back to the first again... fight... now one is dead and lets look at the 'winner' just sitting there.. of course.. silently...

The first movie? Samurai with a touch of western. The second movie? Western with a touch of Samurai. GREAT ideas.. GREAT concepts.. but the next time Quentin Tarantino decides to make a movie of a consolidation of all of his favourite movies from one (or more than one) genre, he better think again because this one (to me) wasn't a winner. He's even been quoted in saying that he did this as his "money" trilogy... Hey Quent, a tip of advice... next time for a "money" trilogy, try to make a movie that doesn't get booed regularly in theaters.

Trilogy.. yes, I used the word trilogy. It turns out that our good ol' buddy Quent is thinking (at least rumoured and reported by on making a third movie.. please god, or should I say Quentie, no. Dont do this to us. If you do, please... well, just make it better.. that's all I ask...

Good thing that, if this story is true, he's not thinking about it for at least another 15 years.

I like to relate these movies to a couple having sex... bare with me here... I have a point.

They start out slow.. speed up, tear eachother's clothes off... get all hot and sweaty.. things are gettin really intense, and all of a sudden... as the headboard is thundering against the wall, and the light on the ceiling is rattling........

sorry, got carried away. lets try that again..

They start out slow.... they reach for the buttons of the other person's pants... and when they undo them and pull them down.... there's nothing there. like... NOTHING... you're like a cartoon character who doesn't wear pants... just.... nothing...

THAT is the image I was trying to get out.. *fans self*

There's a load of potential.... no doubt, but once you waste your hard earned money on a ticket, you're gonna find out that you have no dick....

or something like that..

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Friday, May 14, 2004 :: 11:37:00 PM
check out the "Photos" link on the left....

they're coming.. slowly.. one bit at a time.....
keep checking..... frequent updates in there as I complete the pages. :)

:: Eldorado ::

12:51:00 AM
alright alright I hit a snag..

I lost an hour of work tonite because I was driving around looking for the right Tim Hortons...

on top of that, I'm having major image renaming issues.. turns out photobucket doesn't like it when I have a period in the name of a picture (not counting the one that separates it from it's extension)


:: Eldorado ::

Thursday, May 13, 2004 :: 11:52:00 AM
Song of choice: One - U2

According to British music magazine Q, 'One' by U2 is the best song ever recorded. What's their basis for this? I dont know... probably just the editor's opinion. Hell, The Thong Song could have been (reportedly) the best song ever written.. it's possible... (see how I paid homage to Ching's blog? lol)

Ok, So the blog world is slow lately. But not just with the posting, but with the visiting as well! now, my visitors picked up slightly by the end of last week and this week.. but before that, it was a ghost town! Even Jessica's blog, which belongs to webrings and link exchanges and such, has been down in the number of hits. Why is that? Is everyone just that much more busy now than they were a few weeks ago? I find that hard to believe. Oh, I have the answer.. There aren't as many people sitting around at their computer procrastinating against homework of some type by blog surfing every five minutes.. that HAS to be it. I know previously (at school) that I'd visit everyone's blog probably three times a day... but I've cut my viewing down significantly by 33-66% by only doing so once or twice a day.. ok, stupid stat... but still, what the hell is going on? they need Mensa and NASA to figure this one out, I'm sure...

Another thing that I've seen lacking as of late is the effort put towards commenting. People just dont comment anymore either. Or when they do, the people who own the blog dont respond (just an over generalization... not looking at anyone in particular).

Anyway, I'm sitting at work right now - utterly bored. I was given a list of things to do while everyone in the office went out to meetings. Well, I finished those things super early so now I'm just left to my own devices until they get back.

Guess what? And this is for real this time... I'm posting pictures tonite! I've slaved all week to re-do the albums that I (being the dummy that I am) deleted by accident. They're all done now, I'm just in the process of uploading my pictures to Photobucket... and that "Images" link on the left side there will FINALLY have a use! I haven't put an album online in almost two years, and this one is quite hefty. It has a built in slide-show (including transitions), comments for EACH picture, and thumbnails.. It was a bugger to create, but it all worked out. I used a program to actually form the base of the album. It just generates the album as you see fit, but there was a ton of editing to do afterwards that took quite a while. I'm glad I put the effort towards it.. again.

Some people are back now, so I'm gonna boogie.. I might update again later.

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Sunday, May 09, 2004 :: 11:31:00 PM
Song of Choice: My Way - Elvis Presley

Wow, Blogger's spiffy new design... me likey! I like how they've turned it into almost an "email" type thing... displaying all of your posts for you to see right there on the main members page. On top of that, I dont need to listen to the damn music from the Viridian Room playing every time I come to see if anyone has made a comment. (Which, by the way, has now been turned into a link. If you wish to go to the room, you'll have to click on my link now.

Seeing as how it's the second week of summer for me, I figured it's time to update you on all of my happenings. Here goes. I'm ready. Just gearing up to type what is to be, I'm sure, one mammoth of a post. Right from my mind, to my fingers, to you. Well, mind, fingers, a bunch of servers all around the world... to Texas where Blogger is located, back across a bunch of servers... to you.

In actuality, things have been kinda slow for me. But let me take you back to two Fridays ago.

It was Friday afternoon. I had just pulled my suit out, and got all spiffied up. Hair brushed neatly, shoes freshly shined. Oh, I looked good. And I left to go pick up my beautiful bride (as Kristen likes to call Beth).. Oh wow, did she ever look stunning that night. Dressed in a full length strapless black dress, white trim along the top, with a matching scarf which was black on one side and white on the other... *sits and relives the minute he saw her..... franticly running around like a mad woman looking for everyone*.... ok, maybe that wasn't quite the image you were expecting, but believe it or not I was COMPLETELY expecting it..

Ok, now a little back story... why the suit and dress? ... Well, I'm so glad you asked. It was our school Formal, dubbed A Night at the Oscars. Brian, Justin, and myself were all supposed to meet the ladies up on the 9th floor at 5:30.. we were there at 5:30, but no ladies.. We waited. Tried Beth's room, Alicia's room... Crystal's room.. nobody to be found. Waited for about 15 minutes, then headed downstairs where we saw someone who told us Beth and company were waiting for us between the double doors of the lobby.. we got there, and of course they blamed us... Isn't that always the way, guys? The women blame us... If you haven't experienced this, you will be sure of it. Anyway, after them trying to explain their logic of thinking that it would be quicker to meet us there, and us trying to explain the logic of it might have been had someone actually TOLD us about it, we were off to the bus. We arrived at the Hall shortly before 7:00. Oh it was gorgeous. Complete with a red carpet, two giant Oscar statuettes at the sides of the stage... The DJ playing background music from different Oscar winning movies.. It was great.

Every table had a year printed on it, and with every place setting at that table were the names of actors. Two of which who won the Best Actor/Actress awards that year, and then just other names who were in notable movies. Before dinner was served, they had an awards cerimony. They took from a hat a year, and with that year read the names of who won the oscars and the two people from that table won a prize, be it a package of DVDs, a DVD player... you get the point. It couldn't have been planned out any better...

Oh, two words.. OPEN BAR.... yes, that's right.. all the alcohol that night was covered in the price of our $25 ticket.

We danced.. had a GREAT time... then left at 2:00. Beth and I were supposed to break away from everyone and head back to my room for a bit, but unfortunately that didn't happen... She had to leave. That's right.. like, leave.. for good... home. It was finally real. Summer had started, and we weren't to be together for a few months. We knew it was coming. In fact, when we got together almost 8 months ago, it was the first thing that we talked about.. And it was finally real. I had to watch her drive off with her dad, and know that it would be over a month before I saw her again. I went back to my room, needless to say a bit upset.. and went to sleep. Beth called me, like I asked her to, when she got in just before 7:00 that morning. I was too groggy to talk and let her go.

That Saturday was move out day. My father came by and helped me move all my CRAP out of my room.. good thing I started doing this over a month ago, with a couple boxes at a time.. I wouldn't have had any room! We got the truck loaded up and I said my final good-byes.. And I was on my way. Four days later after all of the stuff was unloaded and put away, I sat down and just thought.. wow.. you know, like.. So much has happened this year. I met and fell COMPLETELY head over heels for someone who I should never have found. I finished my second year of school... Asked to be best man at my brother's wedding in a month... (which is when I get to see Beth again!!! WEEEE!!)...

It's amazing when we're young, and mom hands us a candy it just brightens our day.. At least it always did for me. She'd pull one out of her purse and hand it to me, with the biggest of big grins on my face.... But as we grow up, our life's simple pleasures grow up with us, and the meaning grows even beyond that... I'm not saying I wouldn't be pleased to have my mum hand me a candy anymore.. In fact, I still am...

Anyway, I dont really know the direction of that last paragraph. I just kept writing not really knowing my direction. I oftentimes find the most interesting paragraphs come out when you do that..

Best man in my BROTHER'S wedding.. oye.. it's fun to grow up... and so amazing at the same time..

I'm sorry, but while writing this (as I'm sure you'll notice from reading) that I just got smacked in the face with a couple things.. 1) I'm old.. like, DAMN.... 2) I'm one of the luckiest guys around.. for more than one reason.. For far TOO MANY reasons to write about... I look back on my life and thing.. DAMN.. some of it was wasted, but then again was it really? I dont know..

Anyway, I'm just rambling now.. point? I cant wait to see Beth on the 4th =)

I've gotta go to bed - I'm getting up in 5 hours to go to my first full length day of work... WHOPPIE....

Good nite, all...

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Wednesday, May 05, 2004 :: 1:29:00 AM
here we go ladies and gents... For those of you who HATED The Crimson Room, I bring to you The Viridian Room!!! The author has come out with a new room, and here it is..

Last time was great.. Like before, I'm going to ask that you do not give any spoilers that will lead to solutions...

Feel free to talk about which point in the game you got to, but please not how to get there.. keep it fun for everyone!

I did the room in 37 minutes.. can you beat me? ;)

You may need to Refresh the page a couple times to get it to load properly..

***Also Note***

The yellow writing at the top of the game has nothing to do with the game itself... it's just there.

Click here to Enter The Viridian Room!

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

Monday, May 03, 2004 :: 2:34:00 AM
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - go see it. REALLY go see it.

oh, and a couple other things too... I love George W. Bush... I think he's a brilliant man. And I think Hitler just got a bad rep.... and dont get me started on Stalin.. that man.. WOO..

Until next time.......
*fade to black*

:: Eldorado ::

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